Help Wanted!!!
over 1 year ago, Steve Moss
The High School Cheerleader tailgate party that was planned before the Sarcoxie game on Friday night has been postponed until before the September 29, 2023 game vs Quapaw.
over 1 year ago, Steve Moss
Excessive Heat Today's High School Softball vs Afton has been postponed. All sports will practice indoors or outdoors only after 7:30 pm today through Saturday. Coaches are exploring early morning opportunities. HS Football tentatively planned for 8 pm kickoff Friday night.
over 1 year ago, Steve Moss
The High School Football game at home vs Sarcoxie, MO this Friday has been pushed back to a start time of 8 pm because of excessive heat. The Cheerleader Tailgate will be from 6-8pm.
over 1 year ago, Commerce Public Schools
August 25 Tailgate Planned
over 1 year ago, Commerce Public Schools
Each year the Commerce School District is mandated by Federal Law to coordinate a search and find effort to locate potential special education students. If you are aware of a child living in the Commerce School District who may have a debilitating condition, please contact: Trevor Brough Director of Special Services Commerce Public Schools 601 East 6th Street Commerce, Oklahoma 74339 (918) 675-4336 We would appreciate your help in the identification of special education students. Thank you for your cooperation.
over 1 year ago, Commerce Public Schools
cf A Special Meeting for the Commere Gifted and Talented program has been called for August 29, 2023 at 6:30 pm. The meeting is open to the public.
over 1 year ago, Commerce Public Schools
2023-2024 Meal Prices Set The Meal Prices for the 2023-2024 school year were approved at the July 10, 2023 board meeting. Please make certain to complete your free/reduced application online at our website or while completing your enrollment forms.
over 1 year ago, Steve Moss
Commerce Schools will have a scheduled network outage from 07/11/23 through 07/14/23 for upgrade to our existing infrastructure. Our phones and internet will be down. You may still access powerschool for enrollment during this time.
over 1 year ago, Steve Moss
Down Time to complete 23-24 Commerce Enrollment Forms. Please visit link for more information.
over 1 year ago, Steve Moss
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated school nurse, Amie Mayfield, on this special week of nurse appreciation. Thank you for your unwavering support and care for our students' health and well-being. Your presence is reassuring, and your expertise is invaluable. We appreciate your hard work and selfless service, especially during these challenging times. You truly make a difference in our school community, and we are grateful to have you as a member of our team. Thank you for all that you do, and may you continue to inspire and heal our students for many years to come.
almost 2 years ago, Steve Moss
2022-2023 Commerce High School All Sports Banquet May 9, 2023 6-8 PM CHS Gymnasium All CHS athletes receive free entry Friend and family tickets are available at CHS or Superintendent's office for $10 each Tickets must be purchased by May 5th
almost 2 years ago, Steve Moss
Congratulations to Baylee King for being named to the Oklahoma Native All State Fast Pitch Team. Baylee will compete in the Native All State game to be held in Okmulgee on June 8th at 6 pm. Great Job Baylee! Go Tigers!
almost 2 years ago, Commerce Public Schools
Commerce Girls 4 x 800 win the Regional Championship today with a time of 10:49.94. Lacy Brough, Raegan Wilson, Arianna (Pickles) Rodriguez and Irish McCleary. Great Job Ladies! Go Tigers!
almost 2 years ago, Commerce Public Schools
The Commerce music department would like to invite everyone to their spring concert for the band/choir 6th-12th grade and art show on Friday April 28th @ 7 PM in the high school gym.
almost 2 years ago, Commerce Public Schools
The 8th-grade American History students have been working on a living wax museum project for the past two months. Come and see all their hard work, you may even see a famous historical figure or two! May 2nd, 2023 6-7 PM CMS Gym
almost 2 years ago, Steve Moss
2022-2023 Commerce High School All Sports Banquet May 9, 2023 6-8 PM CHS Gymnasium All CHS athletes receive free entry Friend and family tickets are available at CHS or Superintendent office for $10 each Tickets must be purchased by May 5th
almost 2 years ago, Commerce Public Schools
b Last call to order your 2023 yearbook. We need to know how many books to order by April 30. The yearbook is $35. Turn in your order to the school secretary in your building or to Mrs. Rhodes at the high school. You can also order online at
almost 2 years ago, Steve Moss
After today, only 13 days of school remain in the Commerce School year. All bills need to be paid before students can check out. Please remember to get your lunch bill paid. You can send payments with students, stop by the school or make payments online at payments
almost 2 years ago, Commerce Public Schools
Lucky 7 Track Meet Today at Commerce
almost 2 years ago, Commerce Public Schools